Course curriculum

  • 1

    What Is Stress?

    • Overview

    • What is stress?

    • What factors explain workplace stress?

    • Why is workplace stress a problem worthy of attention?

    • Why do we need stress management policies?

    • What is stress management?

    • Whose responsibility is it to ensure workplace stress is managed?

    • Examples of workplace stress management policies

    • Stress at Work

    • Stress can occur at both an individual and group level

  • 2

    Individual Perceptions of Stress

    • Individual Perceptions of Stress

    • Factors influencing individual perceptions of stress:

    • Burnout Processes

    • How should burnout be handled by an organisation?

    • How can burnout be prevented?

  • 3

    Developing Face-To-Face Confidence

    • The link between confidence and stress

    • How to feel more confident in social situations

  • 4

    Handling Objections

    • Handle objections, reduce stress

    • Don’t take it personally

    • Get all of the facts

    • Take your time

    • Keep your shared goals in mind

    • Make sure that if an objector must be overruled, that they feel heard

    • Remember that handling objections gracefully, gives you future leverage

    • Why a few questions can save you plenty of stress

    • How to avoid vague questions

    • Powerful words to use when questioning someone

    • Prompts to use when you require more information

    • Follow-up questions

    • How gaining others’ confidence leads to lower stress levels

    • Have belief in yourself

    • Have belief in your arguments

    • Follow through on your promises

    • Model good behaviour

    • Show empathy and understanding

    • Why advanced listening is conducive to stress reduction

    • Why is it so hard to truly listen?

    • How to engage in advanced, active listening

  • 5

    Encouraging and Responding to Positive and Negative Feedback

    • The value of feedback

    • How to encourage others to provide you with feedback

    • Handling positive feedback

    • Handling negative feedback

    • Dealing with unfair, or inaccurate feedback

    • Minimising conflict related stress

    • What does negative or unresponsive behaviour look like?

    • Understanding the other person’s position

    • Creating positive outcomes

    • Negotiating the first steps of your success

    • Developing Techniques to Handle Stress Positively

    • The importance of diet

    • The importance of exercise

    • The importance of building a support network

    • Time management

    • Mindfulness

    • Finding a broader sense of purpose

    • The power of journaling

    • Applying These Techniques to The Individual’s Environment

    • Ensure natural light when possible.

    • Ensure that individuals have access to water and high-quality food.

    • Ensure that individuals have adequate time for breaks.

    • Encourage individuals to personalise (within reason) their space with photos and décor that improves their mood.

    • Offer regular opportunities for training in skills that will lower stress levels.

    • Provide opportunities for everyone in a team, or office, to form positive relationships.

    • Putting your new knowledge into action

    • Your personal stress prevention checklist

  • 6

    Using Your Body Language for Impact

    • The power of faking it – the Facial Feedback Hypothesis

    • The importance of good posture

    • Shake hands like a confident person

    • Use eye contact appropriately

    • Do not fidget

    • Smile like a confident person

    • Adopt an open, rather than closed, body position

    • Mirroring

    • Using all the senses to grab attention

    • Receiving and Coping With High Impact Conversation

    • Do some background research before you go in.

    • Try not to jump to conclusions.

    • Plan for the worst, but hope for the best.

    • Do some deep breathing exercises.

    • If in doubt, ask for more time.

    • Remember to present yourself as a confident person.

    • Take notes

    • Take a Quick Recap Test