Course curriculum

  • 1

    Definition and History of Mindfulness & How Meditation Practices Can Help Us Enjoy Present Moment Awareness

    • Overview

    • Introduction

    • Lack of Mindfulness in Our Daily Lives

    • What is Mindfulness and How is it Relevant to Our Lives?

    • Why do we need to silence the mind and intentionally direct our energies?

    • History and Origins of Mindfulness

    • Mindfulness in the 21st Century

    • Mindfulness Meditation Practices

    • Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Mindfulness Meditation

    • Meditation Practice 2

    • Meditation Practice 3

    • Summary

  • 2

    Meditation Practices, Therapies, and Benefits Part I

    • Overview

    • Introduction

    • Mindfulness Meditation at Its Core

    • The Physiology of Meditation

    • Meditation Also Boosts Creativity and Reduces Depression

    • Meditation Can Help Reverse the Effects of Aging

    • Regular Meditation Promotes Better Sleep

    • Meditation Helps Reduce Hypertension

    • Meditation Improves Breathing

    • Meditation Helps Improve Skin Health

    • Meditation Can Help Chemotherapy Patients

    • Summary

  • 3

    Meditation Practices, Therapies, and Benefits Part II

    • Overview

    • Introduction

    • MBSR Techniques and Therapies

    • The Importance of MBSR and MBCT

    • Mindful Stretching and Yoga Postures Recommended in the MBSR Program

    • Awareness Exercises Included in MBSR Programs

    • How to Ride Out Your Emotions – Part of MBSR Training

    • Walking Meditation in MBSR Training

    • Mindfulness Training

    • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Addiction

    • MBSR, MBRP, and MBCT

    • Summary

  • 4

    Meditation Practices, Therapies, and Benefits Part III

    • Overview

    • Introduction

    • Integrating Mindfulness into Psychiatric Treatments

    • MBSR as a Healing Modality

    • Self-Efficacy and Confidence

    • How Emotions Impact Health – Specifically in Relation to Cancer

    • Anger and High Blood Pressure

    • Seven Foundations of Mindfulness Practices

    • Self-Blame is One of the Major Causes of Guilt and Shame

    • Summary

  • 5

    Mindfulness-Based Interventions – Applications and Benefits

    • Overview

    • Introduction

    • How Mindfulness Impacts Us in Different Ways

    • Comparison and Contrast Between MBSR and MBCT

    • MBCT is Essentially an Adapted Version of MBSR

    • The Key Benefit of MBCT

    • A Note on Psychoneuroimmunology

    • MBCT as a Healing Tool for Depression

    • Anxiety and MBSR Training

    • MBSR Training Programs

    • Summary

  • 6

    Mindful Parenting, Mindfulness and Meditation Practices, How to Become a Mindfulness Instructor

    • Overview

    • Introduction

    • Principles of Mindful Parenting

    • Important Aspects of Mindful, Engaged Parenting

    • Mindful Parenting Tips

    • Mindfulness Tips for Beginners

    • How to Become a Mindfulness Instructor

    • Summary

  • 7

    Experiences of Mindfulness

    • Overview

    • Introduction

    • How Mindlessness Negatively Impacts the Quality of Our Lives

    • The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

    • Mindfulness is an Excellent Way to Reconnect with Yourself

    • Myths Regarding Meditation

    • Benefits of Meditation: Why Should We Meditate?

    • Meditation and Stress Reduction

    • Summary

  • 8

    Mindfulness and Self-Exploration

    • Overview

    • Introduction

    • Mindful Tasks

    • Mindful eating helps evoke the power of conscious choice with regards to food.

    • Mindfulness and Self-Esteem

    • The Mindful Way to Forgive Yourself

    • Mindfulness-Based Training for Victims of Domestic Abuse

    • Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation

    • Summary

  • 9

    Mindfulness in Our Daily Lives and How to Become a Mindful Leader

    • Overview

    • Introduction

    • Mindfulness Applications in Our Everyday Lives

    • Meditation and Mindfulness Practices

    • Mindfulness and Leadership

    • Ideas on How to Nurture Effective Conversation Skills Using Mindfulness Strategies

    • How to Obtain MBSR Certification

    • Summary

    • Take a Quick Recap Test

  • 10

    Bonus Content

    • Pain Gate Control Theory

    • Psychoneuroimmunology

    • Self-Efficacy and Addiction

    • From Hatha Yoga to Mindfulness to MBSR